Fit for Purpose: The Best of eDiscovery Technology Today

A side-by-side comparison of software providers Relativity and DISCO

eDiscovery technology has come a long way, with specialized, targeted tools and sophisticated end-to-end platforms that address each stage of the EDRM. Even with myriad options, including hybrid solutions, it can be difficult for eDiscovery practitioners and project managers to know which technology will best suit their team, the case, and the data. 

At CDS’ annual legal data management conference, PIIP 2023, we asked software providers Relativity and DISCO to review a hypothetical eDiscovery scenario and illustrate how their technology would address real-world data challenges. 

The result was an informative, side-by-side evaluation - condensed in this ebook - that showcased the unique strengths of these industry-leading platforms through a practical application of their technology. 

Sample some live commentary on the subjects in the eBook:

♦  Overview of the Hypothetical

Hear more about the framework our software providers used to illustrate their leading legal technology. 

♦  Relativity on Short Message Review

Shamir Colloff, Sr. Product Manager, discusses how Relativity is designed for reviewing chat conversations.

♦  DISCO on AI and Review

Kristin Zmrhal, VP of Product Strategy, discusses AI-enabled coding and filtering techniques for faster review and QC.



Full disclosure: CDS provides support for Relativity (both on-prem and RelativityOne), DISCO EDiscovery, as well as 20+ other legal technologies, as well as our own CDS Convert and CDS Vision. Click here to learn more.